关 键 词 :平台经济;资本逻辑;现实困境;治理学科分类:经济学--管理经济学
The platform economy is a new economic form spawned by the transformation of the social mode of production in the era of digital capitalism. In the new stage of capitalism, the logic of capital promotes the rapid development of the platform economy, which has an impact on its process, organizational form, contradictory dilemma and internal transcendence. Compared with traditional business models, platform capitalism can digitally integrate and quantify a variety of perceptual objects, and use numeric symbols or codes to represent actual objects to achieve optimal allocation of resources. However, it has also led to a series of chaos, such as building a collaborative supervision system, cultivating a team of professionals, and collaboratively implementing agile governance, so as to promote the platform economy to play an active role in leading development and creating jobs.