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审讯者审讯态度和审讯策略以及被审讯者人格特质对虚假供述的影响探究 作者:苏佳豪 张璇

关 键 词 :审讯态度;审讯策略;人格特质;虚假供述学科分类:心理学--法制心理学

虚假供述是法律程序中误解嫌疑人并导致冤假错案的主要原因之一,它的产生是情境因素和个体因素共同作用的结果。情境因素包括审讯者审讯态度和审讯策略;个体因素包括被审讯者人格特质(易受暗示性和依从性)。因此,本研究探讨了审讯者审讯态度和审讯策略以及被审讯者人格特质对虚假供述的影响。采取2(审讯者审讯态度:友好 & 严肃)x 3(审讯者审讯策略:显性FEP & 隐性FEP & 无FEP)完全随机实验设计,并在实验结束后测量被试的人格特质(易受暗示性、依从性)。在西南大学在校生120人中开展实验研究,男28人,女92人,结果发现:(1)审讯者审讯态度对虚假供述的影响不显著;审讯者审讯策略对虚假供述的产生有显著影响;无论使用任何审讯策略,都比不使用审讯策略,更容易引发虚假供述,其中隐性FEP比显性FEP诱发出更多的虚假供述;(2)在被审讯者人格特质中,易受暗示性对虚假供述的影响显著,被审讯者易受暗示性程度越高,更容易产生虚假供述;而依从性对虚假供述没有显著影响。此外,本研究还调查了被试的坦白压力,结果发现,做出虚假供述的被试比未做出虚假供述的被试有更高的坦白压力。              

False confessions, one of the main causes of misunderstanding of suspects in legal proceedings and leading to wrongful convictions, arise as a result of a combination of situational and individual factors. Situational factors include the interrogator's interrogation attitude and interrogation strategy; individual factors include the interrogated person's personality traits (suggestibility and compliance). Therefore, this study examined the effects of interrogator interrogation attitudes and interrogation strategies as well as interviewees' personality traits on false confessions. A completely randomized experimental design was adopted with 2 (Interrogator's Interrogation Attitude: Friendly & Serious) x 3 (Interrogator's Interrogation Tactics: Explicit FEP & Implicit FEP & No FEP) x 2 (Personality Traits of the Interrogated: Susceptibility to Suggestion & Compliance), and the subjects' personality traits (Susceptibility to Suggestion and Compliance) were measured at the end of the experiment. The experimental study was conducted among 120 students enrolled in Southwest University, 28 males and 92 females, and the results found that: (1) the interrogator's interrogation attitude had no significant effect on false confessions; the interrogator's interrogation strategy had a significant effect on the production of false confessions; regardless of the use of any interrogation strategy, it was more likely to trigger false confessions than no interrogation strategy, in which the implicit FEP evoked more false confessions than the explicit FEP; (2) in the case of the subjects who had been interrogated, their personality traits (suggestibility and compliance) were measured at the end of the experiment. confessions; (2) among the interrogatees' personality traits, susceptibility to suggestibility had a significant effect on false confessions, with the higher the degree of susceptibility to suggestibility of the interrogatees, the more likely they were to produce false confessions; whereas adherence had no significant effect on false confessions. In addition, this study investigated subjects' confession stress and found that subjects who made false confessions had higher confession stress than those who did not make false confessions.




审讯者审讯态度和审讯策略以及被审讯者人格特质对虚假供述的影响探究 于 2024-03-19 在中国高校人文社会科学信息网(互联网出版许可证:(总)网出证(京)字第052号)刊载,对外公开发表。论文作者为:苏佳豪 张璇。特此证明。




