Bushido as the Yamato-damashii had, and still has, a great influence on Japanese. Bushido, an outcome of feudal times, was prospering in that time, but it has still been remembered by people after the end of feudal society and it seems that the spirit has flowed into the blood of Yamato nation.As a national moral standard, bushido can be found in many ways, such as characteristics, ways of thinking and actions of Japanese people.When it comes to the bushido, its influence on men has paid much attention to, which shows that bushido is only for standarizing behaviors of men.However, as a national standard, it has affected Wujia women as well. To become good people as well as good wives, Wujia women were required to learn various of rites and laws according to bushido when they were little girls. Therefore, it can be said that their ideology, morality and behaviors have been influenced by bushido.