关 键 词 :乌兰夫;民族区域自治;当代价值学科分类:中国近代史现代史
Ulanfu's understanding of regional ethnic autonomy can be summarized in five main aspects: adhering to regional ethnic autonomy under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, creatively carrying out regional ethnic autonomy under the leadership of the Party Central Committee, maintaining national unity and ethnic solidarity through regional ethnic autonomy, regional ethnic autonomy that is all for the people, and continuously developing and improving regional ethnic autonomy. In the new era, upholding and improving the system of regional ethnic autonomy is the institutional guarantee for uniting the people of the whole country, concentrating their efforts, and building a new era of achievements. Drawing lessons from history helps us to draw wisdom and strength from it, achieve modernization in Inner Mongolia, and comprehensively build a socialist modernized strong country.