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中原茶文化发展探析 作者:王昕昕

关 键 词 :中原茶文化、地区特色、经济发展、文化传承、生活影响学科分类:民族学与文化学--文化学



This analysis on the Development of Tea Culture in Central Plains aims to explore the importance of tea culture in Central Plains and its unique position in Chinese culture. As a treasure of Chinese culture, tea culture in Central Plains plays an important role in cultural exchange and economic development. This article summarizes the main famous tea types in the Central Plains, such as Xinyang Maojian, Lingbao Maojian, etc., and their unique origin characteristics and quality. Further analysis shows that the tea industry not only promotes the development of local economy and improves farmers' income, but also promotes the integration of tea tourism and employment growth. At the same time, tea culture has enriched the spiritual life of residents, enhanced the community cohesion in the inheritance and innovation, and had a positive impact on the health of residents. Finally, this paper summarizes the current situation of tea culture in central Plains, and prospects the future development trend, and puts forward suggestions to promote the further development of tea culture in central Plains.




中原茶文化发展探析 于 2024-09-24 在中国高校人文社会科学信息网(互联网出版许可证:(总)网出证(京)字第052号)刊载,对外公开发表。论文作者为:王昕昕 。特此证明。




