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从宋干节看泰国的新年文化 作者:郑珂

关 键 词 :传统节日、泰国宋干节、节日习俗、新年文化学科分类:民族学与文化学--文化人类学与民俗学



Traditional festivals are an important part of the long history for a country, which shows the spiritual core of a nation in a subtle form and expresses people’s yearning of a happy life. As a friendly neighbor of China in Southeast Asia, Thailand certainly has its own unique festival to celebrate the New Year.  It is the three-day Songkran Festival from April 13 every year. In these days, the Thai people celebrate Songkran Festival just like the Chinese celebrate the Spring Festival, which is very grand and festive. In this paper, I will briefly introduce the Songkran Festival in Thailand from four aspects: historical origin, festival customs, food culture, and festival taboos, from which I hope to make people around the world understand Thailand's New Year culture better and learn more about the beautiful pursuits behind Thai culture. At the same time, I hope that it also can provide some cultural knowledge for people who love exotic cultures and are eager to understand exotic customs.




从宋干节看泰国的新年文化 于 2024-04-22 在中国高校人文社会科学信息网(互联网出版许可证:(总)网出证(京)字第052号)刊载,对外公开发表。论文作者为:郑珂 。特此证明。




