关 键 词 :现象学的观念;胡塞尔;纯粹意识;意向性构成学科分类:哲学--现代外国哲学
The Idea of Phenomienology is a speech given by Husserl, the founder of phenomenology, when he gave a lecture in Göttingen in 1907. In this work, Husserl publicly expounded for the first time the ideas that determined all his later thoughts, and for the first time systematically expounded the reduction idea of phenomenology, and also clearly expounded the basic idea of the construction of objects in consciousness.This article attempts to sort out the ideological context of The Idea of Phenomienology, focusing on four issues: the background of phenomenology, Husserl's reflection and transcendence on the way of Descartes and Kant, the method of phenomenological reduction and the construction of intentionality.